MoE to review public JHSs CSSPS 30% SHS/TVET placement quota

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has hinted a review of the 30 per cent second cycle school (SHS/TVET) placement quota dedicated to only students from government Junior High Schools in the computerised school placement
As part of the review, the Education Ministry has said BECE graduates from various private Junior High Schools will get a share of the 30% computer placement quota into Category ‘A’ government second cycle schools.
The 30 per cent placement quota review was disclosed by the Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS) last year following a meeting with the Minister of Education, Dr Yaw Osei Adutwum.
Speaking in an interview monitored by the Private Schools Council Director, Mr Gyetuah said the 30% allotment of placement into ‘Category A’ schools for public Junior High School students approach is a laze fair policy.
“The Minister for Education met us last Monday, and he said after research into the computer school placement of BECE graduates, he will see how best the review of the 30% placement quota will be done,” the GNACOPS Director said.
Citing discrimination against private BECE graduates, the Ghana National Council of Private Schools (GNACOPS) Executive Director called for a total scrap of the 30% ‘Category A’ school placement quota rather than the review.
“We don’t agree to the review of the policy, it is not about a review is about a total scrap of the 30% quota school placement policy because it is undermining quality education in the country,” Enoch Kwasi Gyetuah stressed.
Meanwhile, the National Coordinator for the Computerised School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS), Mark Sasu has said government BECE graduates will benefit from the 30% placement allotment this year.
In an interview monitored by, he said the second cycle school placement of students who sat for the 2024 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) will be out a week before October 30, 2024.
“We expect that a week before October 30, 2024, that the 2024 BECE graduates would report to their various second-cycle schools, we will be able to release the computer second-cycle school placement,” he said.
The CSSPS official in the interview said his outfit is gathering five sets of data thus the school register, master file or bio file, choice file, vacancy file and results file to process the 2024 edition of the second-cycle school placement.
A total of 569,236 candidates, comprising 282,703 males and 286,533 females from nineteen thousand, five hundred and five (19,505) participating Junior High Schools (JHSs) entered for the school examination.
This includes fifty-nine (59) candidates with visual impairment, two hundred and sixty-three (263) with hearing impairment and one hundred and sixty-one (161) candidates with other test accommodation needs.
The examination was conducted at Two thousand, one hundred and twenty-three (2,123) centres across the country. Out of the total number, three thousand, eight hundred and forty-five (3,845) candidates were absent.