2024/25 SHS/TVET placement to be checked without checker card

The Ministry of Education (MoE) has announced that students who sat for the 2024 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) will not require a school placement checker card to check the government second-cycle school they were placed into.
In a statement by Pretertiary.com, the Education Ministry said the move forms part of the central government’s effort to free the Computerised Schools Selection And Placement System (CSSPS) platform.
The decision to make the CSSPS platform free it also said is to eliminate the need for students to purchase placement checker cards, a step that has previously added an extra cost and layer of complexity to the process.
“Ahead of the release of the 2024/2025 Senior High School (SHS/TVET) placement results, the Ministry of Education is pleased to inform prospective first-year students, parents, and the general public that access to the Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) platform will now be free for checking placement results
This new measure eliminates the need for candidates to purchase pin codes, making it easier and more accessible for students to check their placements,” the Ministry of Education said in the statement dated October 25, 2024.
How to check 2024 SHS/TVET placement at CSSPS.gov.gh
1. Visit the CSSPS websites cssps.gov.gh or cssps.org.
2. Enter your ten-digit index number, followed by “24” to indicate the year of completion (for example, 123456789024)
3. Click “Submit” and wait for the placement result to be displayed.
The Ministry of Education (MoE) has encouraged all eligible students who participated in the Basic Education Certificate Examination to take advantage of this supportive initiative to access their placement results.
A total of 569,236 candidates, comprising 282,703 males and 286,533 females from nineteen thousand, five hundred and five (19,505) participating Junior High Schools (JHSs) entered for the school examination.
This includes fifty-nine (59) candidates with visual impairment, two hundred and sixty-three (263) with hearing impairment and one hundred and sixty-one (161) candidates with other test accommodation needs.
The examination was conducted at Two thousand, one hundred and twenty-three (2,123) centres across the country. Out of the total number, three thousand, eight hundred and forty-five (3,845) candidates were absent
The BECE for Private Candidates recorded a total entry figure of one thousand, three hundred and ninety (1,390) candidates. This was made up of seven hundred and fifty (750) males and six hundred and forty (640) females
Fifteen (15) centres, mostly in the regional capitals, were used for the BECE for Private Candidates. Out of the total number of candidates who entered for the examination, fifty-seven (57) were absent.